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平日晚間: 07:30 - 08:00  及 08:10 - 08:40

周六上午:09:00 - 09:30 及 09:40 - 10:10



1. 開放報名時段: 10/17 晚上19:00 - 10/20 中午12:00
2. 本課程分齡分級,請依據實際年級報名,每堂課限額20名

3. 每位老師每晚有兩節課,課程內容一樣,請勿重複報名
4. 錄取原則:依報名順序及符合分級原則

5. 課程若超過錄取名額,活動單位保有調整錄取名單之權力(調整重複報名或

6. 每堂課僅收20名學生,以實際錄取通知及公告為準
7. 獎勵辦法:每單元五周課程結束後將由外籍教師選出該課堂表現優異的5名同學給予一百元商品卡獎勵。獎勵名單由授課教師決定,若課堂參與學生人數較少,則獎勵名額酌減。

8. 錄取者將於10/24週一電子郵件通知上課連結以及課堂規則,敬請留意!








2022/10/31 - 12/3



Teacher Marc

Week 1: 10/31 週一 (Mon.) : Festivals: Halloween

Week 2:​ 11/07 週一 (Mon.) : Festivals: Guy Fawkes Night

Week 3: 11/14 週一 (Mon.) : Festivals: Odd Socks Day (Anti-bullying day)

Week 4: 11/21 週一 (Mon.) : Festivals: Thanksgiving

Week 5: 11/28 週一 (Mon.) : Festivals: Christmas

各式各樣的節慶Festivals  (一 ~ 四年級/ G1 - G4)



Week 1: 10/31 週一 (Mon.) : Halloween game

Week 2:​ 11/07 週一 (Mon.) : Describing:  animals

Week 3: 11/14 週一 (Mon.) : Describing people

Week 4: 11/21 週一 (Mon.) : Describing toys

Week 5: 11/28 週一 (Mon.) : Describing weather

生活大探索Describing (一 ~ 四年級/ G1 - G4)

Teacher  Barbara


Teacher Matthew

和我一起去旅行Traveling (五 ~ 六年級/ G5-G6)

Week 1: 10/31 週一 (Mon.) : Around town: Places you go around town

Week 2:​ 11/07 週一 (Mon.) : Around town 2: Phrases and words you use at different places

Week 3: 11/14 週一 (Mon.) : Giving Directions: Phrases we use and hear when giving or listening to directions

Week 4: 11/21 週一 (Mon.) : Places to visit in Taiwan: Different places to visit in Taiwan

Week 5: 11/28 週一 (Mon.) : Places to visit in Taiwan 2: Different places to visit in Taiwan


Teacher Meagan

Week 1: 11/01 週二 (Tue.) : Arts (Origami) 

Week 2:​ 11/08 週二 (Tue.) : Arts (Origami)

Week 3: 11/15 週二 (Tue.) : Arts (Scribble Drawing)

Week 4: 11/22 週二 (Tue.) : Arts (Drawing)

Week 5: 11/29 週二 (Tue.) : Arts (Drawing)

大藝術家 Art (一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4) (課程與先前同)


畫畫圖形顏色大探索 Drawings & Shapes & Colors (一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4)

Week 1: 11/01 週二 (Tue.) : Art: One-line drawings

Week 2:​ 11/08 週二 (Tue.) : Art: Shapes

Week 3: 11/15 週二 (Tue.) : Art: Primary Colors

Week 4: 11/22 週二 (Tue.) : Art: Hot and Cool Colors

Week 5: 11/29 週二 (Tue.) : Art: One-line drawings

Teacher Gabriel

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Mr. Wilson 

我要成為大畫家! Drawing (四~ 六年級/ G4-G6) (與之前上課內容相同)

Week 1: 11/01 週二 (Tue.) : Drawing: shading 

Week 2:​ 11/08 週二 (Tue.) : Drawing: atmospheric perspective

Week 3: 11/15 週二 (Tue.) : Drawing: single-point perspective 

Week 4: 11/22 週二 (Tue.) : Drawing: double-point perspective

Week 5: 11/29 週二 (Tue.) : Drawing: triple-point perspective


Mr. Alice

 就決定是你了!來畫寶可夢!Let’s Draw Pokemon

(一~ 四年級/ G1-G4)

Week 1: 11/01 週二 (Tue.) : Let’s Draw Pokemon: Gengar 

Week 2:​ 11/08 週二 (Tue.) : Let’s Draw Pokemon: Arceus

Week 3: 11/15 週二 (Tue.) : Let’s Draw Pokemon: Eevee

Week 4: 11/22 週二 (Tue.) : Let’s Draw Pokemon: Suicune

Week 5: 11/29 週二 (Tue.) : Let’s Draw Pokemon: Lucario


Ms. Olo (Teacher Chiya)

Week 1: 11/01 週二 (Tue.) : Describe your self In 3 words

Week 2:​ 11/08 週二 (Tue.)  : Where are you from?

Week 3: 11/15 週二 (Tue.) : Counties you have traveled to

Week 4: 11/22 週二 (Tue.) : Places you would love to travel to

Week 5: 11/29 週二 (Tue.) : Likes and Dislikes

快樂會話 Conversation (五~ 六年級/ G5-G6)

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Teacher Angel

玩具總動員Toys & Games (一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4)

Week 1: 11/01 週二 (Tue.) : Safety and toys.

Week 2:​ 11/08 週二 (Tue.)  : Learn a hand clapping game. P.1 

Week 3: 11/15 週二 (Tue.) : Learn an ancient game. Korean 5 stones.

Week 4: 11/22 週二 (Tue.) : Let’s make a new toy!

Week 5: 11/29 週二 (Tue.) :  Hand Puppet show.


Teacher Neli

文法超好玩 Grammar (一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4)

Week 1: 11/02 週三 (Wed.) : Grammar Games

Week 2:​ 11/09 週三 (Wed.) : Grammar Games

Week 3: 11/16 週三 (Wed.) : Grammar Games

Week 4: 11/23 週三 (Wed.) : Grammar Games

Week 5: 11/30 週三 (Wed.) : Grammar Games


Teacher Sammy

跟著Sammy老師一起學:繪畫、願望與故事(一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4)

Week 1: 11/02 週三 (Wed.) : Story about the vampires

Week 2:​ 11/09 週三 (Wed.) : Drawing

Week 3: 11/16 週三 (Wed.) : My greatest fear and strengths

Week 4: 11/23 週三 (Wed.) : What rules would you make if you are a president

Week 5: 11/30 週三 (Wed.) : Who are your favorite celebrities

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Teacher Samuel

生物觀察家 Creatures (一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4) (與第一單元內容相同)

Week 1: 11/02 週三 (Wed.) : Wild Animals

Week 2:​ 11/09 週三 (Wed.) : Insects

Week 3: 11/16 週三 (Wed.) : Bees

Week 4: 11/23 週三 (Wed.) : Food

Week 5: 11/30 週三 (Wed.) : Elephants


Teacher Anisha

不思議魔法生物 Magical Creatures (一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4)


Week 1: 11/03 週四 (Thu.) : Animal Parts

Week 2:​ 11/10 週四 (Thu.) : Magical Creatures

Week 3: 11/17 週四 (Thu.) : Ocean Animals

Week 4: 11/24 週四 (Thu.) : Mario Animals Game

Week 5: 12/01 週四 (Thu.) : Harry Potter


Teacher Geneva

世界美食大冒險Foods (一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4)

Week 1: 11/03 週四 (Thu.) : Taiwanese Food

Week 2:​ 11/10 週四 (Thu.) : American Food

Week 3: 11/17 週四 (Thu.) : Italian Food

Week 4: 11/24 週四 (Thu.) : Korean Food

Week 5: 12/01 週四 (Thu.) : Japanese Food


Teacher Phila

動物莊園Exploring Animals (一 ~ 四年級/ G1-G4)

Week 1: 11/03 週四 (Thu.) : Types of animals

Week 2:​ 11/10 週四 (Thu.) : Farm animals

Week 3: 11/17 週四 (Thu.) : Aquatic animal

Week 4: 11/24 週四 (Thu.) : Forest Animals

Week 5: 12/01 週四 (Thu.) : Animal sounds


Teacher Greg

Greg老師故事屋 Let's Read a Story (五 ~ 六年級/ G5-G6)

Week 1: 11/05 週六 (Sat.) : Let’s Read a story

Week 2:​ 11/12 週六 (Sat.) : Let’s Read a story

Week 3: 11/19 週六 (Sat.) : Let’s Read a story

Week 4: 11/26 週六 (Sat.) : Let’s Read a story

Week 5: 12/03 週六 (Sat.) : Let’s Read a story


Teacher Andy

生活遊樂趣 Daily Life (五 ~ 六年級/ G5-G6)

Week 1: 11/05 週六 (Sat.) : School

Week 2:​ 11/12 週六 (Sat.) : Games

Week 3: 11/19 週六 (Sat.) : Sports

Week 4: 11/26 週六 (Sat.) : Video Games

Week 5: 12/03 週六 (Sat.) : Movie


植物Bang Bang Bang Plants (五 ~ 六年級/ G5-G6)

Week 1: 11/05 週六 (Sat.) : Life cycle of a plant/ parts of a plant/ characteristics of a plant

Week 2:​ 11/12 週六 (Sat.) : Plant growth: (water+photosynthesis)

Week 3: 11/19 週六 (Sat.) : Types of plants ( flowering/non flowering plants + water plants i.e lillies)

Week 4: 11/26 週六 (Sat.) : Life cycle of a plant (case study bean plant)

Week 5: 12/03 週六 (Sat.) : Uses& Benefits of plants:
(to humans; the environment & supporting life on earth)

Teacher Sinenhlanhla

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