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10 Tips For Incoming College Freshmen - Society19_edited.jpg





2024/10/14 - 2024/11/16


平日晚間: 07:20 - 08:20




1. 開放報名時段: 09/23 早上09:00 - 10/06 晚上09:00
2. 每堂課報名人數不限,若課程報名人數太多,仍會以人工篩選方式限制錄取人數以確保整體教學品質及學習成效

3. 錄取原則:主辦單位依報名人數及順序.身分(種子教師)決定錄取名單之權力

4. 活動單位保有調整錄取名單之權力,將以沒有參與到課程的學生優先,以擴大本案的效益。
5. 以實際錄取通知及公告為準

6. 錄取者將於10/09週三電子郵件通知上課連結以及課堂規則,敬請留意!


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Unit 2 Moguel_edited.jpg

Practical English 實用英語會話

Week 1: 10/14 週一 (Mon.) : personal and family information

Week 2:​ 10/21 週一 (Mon.) : Time, calendar and weather

Week 3: 10/28 週一 (Mon.) : Daily activities

Week 4: 11/4   週一 (Mon.) : sight words (reading and spelling)

Week 5: 11/11 週一 (Mon.) : story- reading aloud (reading and reading comprehension)

Teacher Moguel

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Teacher Matthew

Travel & Daily 旅遊及日常英語

Week 1: 10/15 週二 (Tue.) : Traveling; Cooking, baking, and following a recipe

Week 2:​ 10/22 週二 (Tue.) : Introducing yourself and your family;Sports and exercise

Week 3: 10/29 週二 (Tue.) : Traveling around Taiwan;Camping

Week 4: 11/05 週二 (Tue.) : Hiking and biking;General Discussion Questions

Week 5: 11/12 週二 (Tue.) : Going to a restaurant;Bucket list

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Teacher Happiness

Daily English 日常英語會話

Week 1: 10/16 週三 (Wed.) : Jobs/career

Week 2:​ 10/23 週三 (Wed.) : Books (what are you reading) 

Week 3: 10/30 週三 (Wed.) : Your New and old neighborhood

Week 4: 11/6 週三 (Wed.) : The ins and outs of traveling

Week 5: 11/13 週三 (Wed.) : Public transportation vs own transport

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Teacher Gloria

I can .... 情境式造句

Week 1: 10/17 週四 (Thu.) : Everyday Conversations

Week 2:​ 10/24 週四 (Thu.) : Activities and Hobbies

Week 3: 10/31 週四 (Thu.) : Work and Employment

Week 4: 11/07 週四 (Thu.) : Around the Town

Week 5: 11/14 週四 (Thu.) : Family and Relationships

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